Today it seems we are at a crossroad between tropical western astrology and those breaking away to now practice an updated version of true sky or astronomical astrology.
Tropical astrology divides the sky into 12 parts based on the solstices and equinoxes. This system was established over 2000 years ago and correspond to the seasons rather than the constellations in the sky today. It has remained the standard western astrology and can show us our personality restrictions, our egoist repetitive patterns and our karma. However if we do not evolve we risk living in the upside down and being subjected to split timelines and consciousness traps.
True sky astrology aligns with the actual constellations and precise movements of the stars and planets today in the here and now. Due to the Earth's precession the constellations have shifted over time meaning the stars no longer align with the dates set in the tropical zodiac system. If you download a live sky app, you'll see the real positions of the planets and stars may have changed slightly meaning that there may be some variation in your chart or there may not depending on the original placements of the planets.
Throughout time all things experience a natural progression of evolution and so it makes sense that this also happens in the cosmos. Just like all areas of our lives it is considered normal that after sometime we replace, refresh or upgrade our tools to enhance their performance so it is only natural that we do this when using such an ancient tool for analysing the stars.
Truth can be found in all astrological systems and there are many variations and techniques available to us as a way to interpret the sky. Both tropical and true sky systems have their advantages and whichever system we choose to engage with will be echoed back to us in the group consciousness. This makes all interpretations true; the reason being that we continue to follow, believe, practice and repeat the information. That is unless one day the collective mentality tips the scales and focuses only on one way of interpreting or giving explanation to the cosmos.
In summary there is no right or wrong system. There are many modalities available to us for reading the stars and so it is perhaps a new layer of conscious awareness around what resonates most with you, which explanation speaks directly to your soul and unlocks the codes that inspires you to live your best life. Because the reality is that the stars continue to shine and the planetary movements influence us regardless of if we follow them or not.
Astrology is a tool; The road to higher consciousness is to take advantage of the whole zodiac