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Reiki in a nutshell - What is it? How does it work? But seriously...Is it for me?

Reiki - Energy Medicine - Healing Treatment; you may be wondering what these new age, ‘hippy, woo woo’ words actually mean. Perhaps you thought it was referring to some kind of religion or allowed your thoughts to drift off into endless curiosity…

Reiki is a powerful, transformative way to care for and heal your Mind, Body and Soul!

Reiki is a spiritual practice but it is not a religion. Reiki is a Healing Art that was founded by Mikao Usai in the early 20th century. The word Reiki (pronounced ‘Ray Key’) When translated, literally breaks down to ‘’Universal Life Force Energy’’ it is a practice that has been passed down from Master to Student for hundreds of years.

Maybe you suspected that it had something to do with hands as the advertisements always seem to have these kinds of pictures. But, where are these hands touching? or how are these hovering hands going to help you?

Reiki is something that is better to experience than to describe. During a session the practitioner acts as a channel connecting with the universe/divine/source. The energy flows down through their spine where the reiki can be felt coming out via the hands. The practitioner then holds their hands for a few minutes over different points of the body enabling the healing energy to flow through to the physical body, chakras, and aura. The reiki energy will go to where it is needed and will help remove any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual energy blocks.​

For the person receiving the treatment they will usually be laying down but they can also receive the treatment sitting if that is better suited to their needs. You remain fully clothed, and may be given a blanket or an eye mask to offer a deeper relaxation.

Another great benefit to working with energy, is that it can transcend time and space. This means that it is possible to receive a healing treatment without being in the same location or even the same country.

Ok, it’s starting to sound cool. However, what would you feel or how would you be affected if you were to have a Reiki treatment? Would you sense or notice anything spectacular?

The practitioner will hold their hands either just above the body or gently touching the person. The person who is receiving the healing doesn’t need to do anything physically. However it is essential that they believe in the power of the universal life force energy and want to receive healing. For without these two elements the practitioner can be channeling the energy but the person will not receive and in a way be blocking themselves, therefore they will feel no different afterwards.

Each person experiences the Reiki energy in their own unique way. Sometimes when receiving Reiki you might feel different sensations such as hot or cold, tingling, the body may shake, you may cry or laugh or twitch or fall asleep, have visions, and it is also possible that you may feel nothing at all.

Afterwards you may feel a deeper state of relaxation, an unexplainable clarity, be more focused, lighter and yet stronger and more grounded.

Possibly by this point you have checked out the reviews and are considering making an appointment. But still the mind wants to know more. Do you really need it? Would it even work on you or do you have to be a specific type of person? And are you that kind of person?

Reiki is for Everyone, Anytime. That’s exactly the brilliance of it. There is no limitation to its radiant energy.

Reiki can transform your darkest of days, go in deep and work with specific issues causing you pain and suffering. It can relieve you from stress, anxiety, boosting your immune system and general wellbeing. The good news is you also don’t have to have a specific reason just wanting to do something nice for yourself or feeling the urge is reason enough for a personal revolution.

Reiki is from the all-knowing source and so you get exactly what you need at that point in time. Energy Healing is subtle and often people assume it just helped them to relax, but if you take notice of your life over the next couple of weeks. You may notice the gentle shifts and with this new clarity perhaps something in your life changes or likely without even realizing it you make a difficult or changed decision with ease and you finally get that a-ha moment. Yeeeeaaaahhhh, that’s the Reiki!

Ok, it does sound pretty magical but let’s just think about this logically. What kind of person needs Reiki if they up until now didn’t know what it was or how it worked? How could they possibly know they need it?!

In a nutshell - Reiki finds you!

You know how you never see a yellow car, until for whatever reason you start thinking about them and then all of a sudden you can’t stop noticing the thousands of yellow cars literally everywhere. The yellow cars have always existed but you're now allowing yourself to see them. The same goes for Reiki. It is possible that something has caught your eye, you may have seen a leaflet or an advertisement, overheard a conversation, noticed a post on social media or it could be you know someone who had a treatment. The possibilities are endless but my guess is that if you’re reading this, then Reiki has already found you.

Like all holistic practices, ‘’when the student is ready the teacher appears.’’

Love, Light and Reiki Vibes to All.

>> Becs


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