Healy provides a revolutionary product which once you have tried it out and seen how it transforms your everyday life then the product basically sells itself because you naturally will be talking about the technology or the people in your life will notice a change in you and want to know what it is you are doing. It’s no different to talking about the new runners or the skincare products that you started using, except that you are rewarded with some extra income. The company therefore is only reliant on the people who actually use and love the product to sell it. Momentum is easily built through the community and knowledge, training and inspiration is excitedly shared.
Network marketing as a business strategy just makes sense for everyone involved and before you cringe at the word and completely disregards the product. Know that there are different styles and variations among companies who utilise network marketing to share their product and make profit. It would be humorous to me if anyone dares to think that I would ever talk about or partner with a product that I didn’t 100% believe in. In my opinion it’s actually no different to any other job I have held. When I worked as a tour guide I would earn commission on selling optional activities. Am I going to recommend you go on a bear safari or do a bungee jump hell yeah I am because it’s going to be a life altering experience. When you order a coffee I upsell you a cake, when you go into the bank I review your accounts and add on extra products. When you book a holiday I sell you insurance. Every job involves sales these days because we live in a world where we still rely on money to pay for things. It’s just the way it is. Network marketing is just upfront and honest about how their strategy works and how it can benefit you.
This is a new way to do business for me and all though I am aware of I thankfully don’t have any horror stories about previous network marketing companies or pyramid schemes. In saying that though I also know that I would never knowingly get involved with something that wasn’t in complete alignment with my authentic truth.
With Healy you can invest in a one off device for personal use; that lets be real. It is a pretty nice entry point for a product and business model that opens the doors to an overflow of abundance. The company provides you with all the information and a generous compensation plan and you are welcomed into this amazing community of likeminded people.
You get to decide how involved with the business you want to be. Maybe it’s just for personal use or maybe you tell a friend or perhaps you’re here to build an empire. It doesn’t matter what you decide you still get to be included and not have to invest any more money, nor commit to a lifelong subscription or hold a stash of the products in your garage. You simply just do what works for you.
The reason the company does so well is due to the people and yeah Healy does attract a certain type of person. And if you’re reading this your one of these people because this community brings the big medicine. It is a bunch of gentle but powerful kind hearted people from all over the world who have come together from different life backgrounds and statuses and have bonded over this tiny but revolutionary healing device all with a higher vision of living in a more beautiful world.
Freedom is a lifestyle and wealth is a frequency. Imagine all the good things you could do in the world with additional money and as the community always reminds us how freaking good that would feel in your body to never make a decision based off weather or not you can afford it.
You can use the device just for yourself or build an empire completely up to you either way you get to join a global conscious community and experience the fun.