BecsHealyMy Experience in the world of FREQUENCIES - HEALYI might appear to be mystical but really I wouldn’t publicly share about this product if I didn’t test it out for a while and see how it...
BecsTechTechnology strengthens true leadership - reinstate our sovereignty Globally all areas of our lives are moving with technology and we can either fight it or go with it. We can go down the rabbit hole of...
BecsCIAO CACAOAmidst the chaos there is Cacao - Mental HealthCacao is medicine for the heart… The heart is the gateway to everything you desire… To be human means we get to experience having a...
BecsCIAO CACAOCACAO is not only a food; it's a Super Food, Super Fruit & Super DeliciousCacao is not only the most delicious food on earth and a heart medicine but it is also a superfood meaning that it comes with many...
BecsCIAO CACAOCACAO LOVE - Spirit FriendThe heart's magnetic field is the strongest rhythmic field produced by the human body. It not only envelops every cell of the body but it...
BecsReiki in a nutshell - What is it? How does it work? But seriously...Is it for me?Reiki - Energy Medicine - Healing Treatment; you may be wondering what these new age, ‘hippy, woo woo’ words actually mean. Perhaps you...